par amasauce

1, place de la Bastille, 75004 Paris.
M° : Bastille (that would have been hard to guess…)
Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 29 04 02
Open daily from 8am to 2am with continual service (great, right ?)

 I am not really a huge fan of the Costes restaurants especially their original homebase, L’Hotel Costes, which in my modest opinion, doesn’t live up to its prices and with its flaky wait staff to boot. HOWEVERRRR, I have to admit that my most recent visit to one of the Costes’ Paris cafés really made me rethink my preset judgment.

Despite my feelings, I enjoyed a fabulous lunch at Le Café Français. Still not that well known even among the Costes-addicts, this latest Beaumarly (their group name) location opened its doors in the Place de la Bastille less than a year ago – and thank goodness it did.

photo 2-138

photo 3-89Click here for the rest of the review.


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intelligently-fashionable 7 décembre 2014 - 11 h 17 min Répondre

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